Luvia Acelines

Species : Acelinian
Gender : Female
Height : 1.79 metres
Weight : 63 kg (gravity:1G)
================ Luvia Acelines in nude ================
Human Type : P.A.S.S. Perfect Acelinian
Genes : 35% Acelinian
65% Earthling
Birth Place : Amiers Space Fleet
Date of Birth : A4004-04-20
Noble Clan : Nicuniste
Father : Talen Le Brun
Mother : Sarine Acelines, Ancient Noble Genes

{ Her Background }

Luvia Acelines was the last Perfect Acelinian surviving before the human birth system P.A.S.S. (Perfect Acelinian Sopholife System) was destroyed during the Falcon Empire's second invasion.

In her age of 10 (about 4 months of her development), her sisters, Zenna Acelines and Meva Acelines, put her in a mobile growing capsule to escape from the Falconian-controlled Home Acelines.

Luvia Acelines inside P.A.S.S. ================

Seeing the capsule energy was deteriorating due to damage, her elder sister Meva sped up her development immoderately, hoping to give birth to her before it depleted, or else she would die.

The capsule was captured by Admiral Tonc, the pirate leader of Amiers Space Fleet, in a space battle, which split the sisters' journey--Zenna chased the fleet to spot where Luvia was while Meva and Yoshio, the sisters' lover, continued the anti-Falcon journey to the Andromeda Galaxy.

{ In The Fleet }

As a captive, she was lying in the capsule, nude and comatose. Seeing this purple long-haired beauty, Admiral Tonc recalled, fragmentarily, that he was called Ameirs by a group of so-called "forgotten" Acelinian women. And among them, the fiercest surrendering girl looked exactly the same as Luvia, but with black hair.

With the best technicians of his fleet, Admiral Tonc succeeded in waking her up, but the side effect of premature delivery caused her purple hair to gradually fade into black.

During her recovery, Admiral Tonc told her more of his stories, bringing back some fragmented memories about the same scene she heard. She was convinced the black-haired girl was her, a forgotten Acelinian female noble. And that "Ameirs" was the man she currently saw--Admiral Tonc.

Luvia Acelines & Admiral Tonc

She was renamed Lenc according to the appellative custom used in the fleet.

{ Her Deeds }

Being a trusted partner to Admiral Tonc, she assisted in managing his fleet, and was soon promoted to Vice Admiral Lenc to lead the battles against the Falconian aggressors, helping the galaxians with insufficient armaments.

She did not want to leave the fleet despite Zenna's persuasion, which made Zenna, her elder sister, compromise with her capturer Admiral Tonc to let her stay in the fleet.

She promised her elder sister they would put a complete end to Gynutopia. This made Admiral Tonc determine to aid the anti-Falcon coalition Zenna was leading, providing the Milky Way Supranation with strong reinforcements to resist the Falcon Empire.

Winning victories in all battles against Falconians, she gained rapid popularity among the anti-Falcon coalition, becoming the Chief Commander of the Milky Way Supranation after Zenna departed for the journey to the Andromeda Galaxy. Before hearing the Falcon Empire was overthrown, she had led the coalition to defeat all Falconians in our Milky Way galaxy.

When the good news came, everyone celebrated but she resigned from the coalition. After all, she followed her capturer Admiral Tonc wandering the galaxy...

{ Naval Suit }

It was tailor-made as the standard uniform for her. Although the diaphanous material was on her arms, legs and waist, it was snug for her daily life in the fleet, and quite nimble for her command duty in battle.

Luvia Acelines Naval Suit

{ Trivia }

Related Story { Forgotten Groups and Ameirs }

Related database below mentioned within the broadcast:

Nicunacs World Assembly
Meninacs Falcon Invasion