Zenna Acelines

Species : Acelinian
Gender : Female
Height : 1.86 metres
Weight : 66 kg (gravity:1G)
================ Zenna Acelines in nude ================

Human Type : P.A.S.S. Perfect Acelinian
Genes : 85% Acelinian
15% Earthling
Birth Place : Home Acelines
Date of Birth : A4000-01-01
Expertise : Cosmic Might

{ Her Background }

Zenna Acelines, the first Perfect Acelinian, was born in a human birth system called P.A.S.S. (Perfect Acelinian Sopholife System) at the age of 15.

Growing up in a gynocentric world called Home Acelines, she confronted countless persecutions against males from female supremacists. Seeing her father Talen Le Brun also fell victim to this, she determined to eliminate misandry to save every single male.

Zenna Acelines and Yoshio (Handsome) ================

On an occasion, she met a boy whose nickname Handsome through Interstellar Friend Seeker (IFS), and they loved at first sight. She was eager to invite him to her homeworld as she discovered this boy, called Yoshio, was an Earthling heartthrob.

Noble Clan : Nicuniste
Father : Talen Le Brun
Mother : Sarine Acelines

{ Her Deeds }

The then Supreme Minister Zenna made a willing effort to enforce male-allowable policies across the Acelinian world, setting a milestone in breaking the monopoly of female supremacists as many Acelinian states were willing to follow this "global policies" due to her prestige.

Zenna Acelines and Meva Acelines smashing 'no men allowed' sign

She assisted Meva Acelines, the then Supreme Commander, in the evacuation of all-male Meninacs citizens during the first Falcon Invasion, touching the hearts of many Acelinians.

However, the corrupt politicians among female supremacists left the door open for misandrist Falconians to succeed in conquering Home Acelines. Since then, Zenna went into exile. Most males fled to the states where Zenna had the most influence on, forming an anti-Falcon coalition later.

{ Her Recognition }

With her excellent talent, dedication and friendliness, she earned trust from many seniors in the World Assembly while being admirable among juniors and peers. With her wise confrontation with hostile galaxian Fuaamulaans, she succeeded in stopping their invasive intention, earning her an instant promotion of the Supreme Minister in her 17, the youngest in the Acelinian history.

She gained widespread fame, on her journey into exile, when turning the Falconians away on those vulnerable planets, saving a lot of male beings. Dozens of medals with honorary titles were her souvenirs. The old high beings like Monkees, and even rebellious Femoids and anti-Falcon Virgonians followed her lead to fight against Falcon Empire.

Zenna Acelines:  Acelinian Supreme Minister, Admiral, The President

{ Her Convictions }

Like her little sister Meva, her "men's savior" trait was a result of her parents' genes--the male-caring mother and the anti-misandry father--and male tragedies she saw since coming to this world. Her later achievements against male-hating female politicians made her a woman of great renown among the Acelinian males.

Jealousy was not a word in her dictionary. When she discovered Meva, like her, fell in love with her lover Yoshio, she created intimate opportunities for them.

Zenna Acelines, Meva Acelines and Yoshio Ueno (Handsome)

As one of the New Era Humans, she hated all sorts of idelogies that taught females to offend, disdain, harm, torture and kill males. Male tragedies made her swear to put an end to female supremacy, gynocentrism and misandry.

{ Her Life in Exile }

Zenna deliberately entered the planetary systems where galaxians were confronting Falconians, helping them to win victories. This earned her instant fame and strengthened the forming of anti-Falcon coalition.

She was reconciled with Admiral Tonc who captured Luvia Acelines, her last little sister, and eventually letting her to follow him.

To unite all galaxians, she accepted the invitation from the Milky Way Supranation, the largest union in our galaxy, to lead them as a Deputy Chief Commander in every Falconian confrontation. Together with Admiral Tonc's fleet, they liberated many galaxians, except Acelinians, from Gynutopia.

Falconians, nearly defeated everywhere, struggled for survival until they heard Zenna, her sister Meva, and her lover Yoshio overthrew the Falcon Empire...

Zenna Acelines resisting the misandrist Falconians....

{ Training Suit }

This was a regular bio-automatean training suit that every female noble of the Nicuniste clan obtained. Due to its durability, Zenna put it on in most duties, sometimes even in battles. See Meva's database for the front view of the suit.

Zenna Acelines in a bio-automatean training suit (back view) ================

{ Trivia }